The lesson began with 5 students being chosen at random to present their designers and design ideas for their own collections.
I salute Rachel for going first and setting the bar high!
I salute Rachel for going first and setting the bar high!
I found the presentations really informative, with everyone finding really interesting facts about their designers.
I also thought it was useful in that we all get to hear and learn more about our own aspirational designers who we may not have looked at in detail before.
Feedback that I took on board for when I am to present were:
- Have good overview of the designer
- Be clear, use fashion vocabulary
- Explain concept clearly with visuals
- Be confident in what you are saying
I found it pretty insightful and Helen's fact about man-made coloured cotton was interesting in that I'd like to look more into eco-fashion and the experimental techniques being used by man to create new materials.
We were then sent off in our groups to visit fabric and trimming stores in and around the West End.
Having visited a numerous amount of stores in West it was great to have a list of places that I hadn't visited yet.
We began at mcculloch and wallace, I was very suprised I had never been here before. I loved the store; their layout and the freedom we were given. They had beautiful wools, hairs such as camel which I was looking at to make my tailored jacket out of.
I also found a really beautiful rich chocolate silk (cupramonium) which I would love to use to drape my dress.We then went on to Berwick Street, visiting the usuals; Cloth House, Silk Society, Borovick, then onto Liberty to see their new collection of prints.

I then went to a fabric store that a final year had told me about on Mare Street, Hackney to pick up a cheaper version of the fabrics I had seen today for toiling, fabric manipulation, burning etc.